26 Responses »

  1. Hey! My lip and cheek stain doesn’t have enough colour to it, and I guess
    its too thin. Is there anything I could do to fix that? 

  2. Glycerin ruins my lips. Dries them out too much. I can’t use this one, and
    I tried it. Is there any other base we can boil the beets in? I am
    wondering if an oil would work if we let it slowly heat and seep. I live in
    a dry climate. When there is no moisture in the air, the glycerin takes it
    from your skin! :o

  3. Do you maybe know of another ingredient I can use besides beets? My health
    is not good, I am very sensitive to candida, so sweet or high carbohydrate
    ingredients unfotunately are a no no for me. I used beets before, and ended
    up itching all over. I dont want to use minerals, just products I can eat,
    I love that your video doesnt uses minerals.

  4. tip – if you prefer a cream/gel stain, replace the glycerin with VASELINE.
    i’ve tried it and it spreads a lot nicer on the skin than the liquid and
    its a lot more natural looking.

  5. Hi Emily. I love the idea! Can I use coconut oil instead? It is quite some
    mission to find veggie glysirin here in SA and I would like to improvise..

  6. This wont give me breakouts if i put it on my cheeks, will it?

    Also, is it ok to use food colouring as an alternative to beetroot?

  7. Thank you so so much for this simple yet amazing recipe for lip tint! I
    have been looking for vegan/natural/cruelty free tints and they either have
    too many chemicals or are extremely expensive. This is wonderful

  8. In the US, sugar beets are GMO and have harmful chemicals in and on them. I
    think you’d want to make sure you’re using organic beets if you try this!

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